Monday, June 1, 2009

Getting the hang of this...

OK - this is all much easier than I thought...many thanks to my husband Scott and son Davis for helping me with the "techie" side of things...
the black painted canvas banners are some of my favorites...while I have to sew the hangings themselves, it's rather like taking the time to stretch a number of canvases...not fun, but necessary...I can make a variety of sizes easily. I usually lay in the basics of the overall design element, and let the colors and linework of the background 'mosaics' develop as I paint..these mosaic panels are part of a horizontal series that I completed as a valence across my dining room window...

1 comment:

  1. So happy for you and how lucky to have a supportive family. It makes all the difference doesn't it? You're on your way baby!
